Spine vertebrae
Spine vertebrae

spine vertebrae

In the thoracic vertebrae, the transverse processes articulate with the ribs. Transverse processes - each vertebra has two transverse processes, which extend laterally and posteriorly from the vertebral body.Spinous processes - each vertebra has a single spinous process, centred posteriorly at the point of the arch.The foramina of all the vertebrae line up to form the vertebral canal, which encloses the spinal cord. In combination with the vertebral body, the vertebral arch forms an enclosed hole - the vertebral foramen. Fig 2 - The general structure of a vertebrae. Intertransverse ligaments – extends between transverse processes.The interspinous ligaments attach between processes, and the supraspinous ligaments attach to the tips. Interspinous and s upraspinous – join the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae.Ligamentum flavum – extends between lamina of adjacent vertebrae.They are strengthened by several ligaments: The joints between the articular facets, called facet joints, allow for some gliding motions between the vertebrae. The posterior longitudinal ligament is weaker and prevents hyperflexion. The anterior longitudinal ligament is thick and prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column.

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Two ligaments strengthen the vertebral body joints: the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments, which run the full length of the vertebral column. The articular surfaces are covered by hyaline cartilage, and are connected by the intervertebral disc. The vertebral body joints are cartilaginous joints, designed for weight-bearing.

  • Vertebral bodies indirectly articulate with each other via the intervertebral discs.
  • Left and right inferior articular facets articulate with the vertebra below.
  • Left and right superior articular facets articulate with the vertebra above.
  • The mobile vertebrae articulate with each other via joints between their bodies and articular facets: These conditions are congenital abnormalities. Separation of S1 from the sacrum is termed “lumbarisation”, while fusion of L5 to the sacrum is termed “sacralisation”. Due to the lack of vertebral arches, there is no vertebral canal. It is recognised by its lack of vertebral arches. The coccyx is a small bone which articulates with the apex of the sacrum. On the lateral walls of the sacrum are facets for articulation with the pelvis at the sacroiliac joints. It is described as an inverted triangle, with the apex pointing inferiorly. The sacrum is a collection of five fused vertebrae. Examples include epidural anaesthesia administration and lumbar puncture. Their size and orientation permits needle access to the spinal canal and spinal cord (which would not be possible between thoracic vertebrae). Their spinous processes are shorter than those of thoracic vertebrae and do not extend inferiorly below the level of the vertebral body. However, like the cervical vertebrae, they have a triangular-shaped vertebral foramen. They lack the characteristic features of other vertebrae, with no transverse foramina, costal facets, or bifid spinous processes. Lumbar vertebrae have very large vertebral bodies, which are kidney shaped.

    spine vertebrae

    They are structurally specialised to support the weight of the torso. There are five lumbar vertebrae in most humans, which are the largest in the vertebral column. The articular processes are located at the intersection of the laminae and pedicles.įig 6 – Lateral view of a thoracic vertebrae. Articular processes – form joints between one vertebra and its superior and inferior counterparts.Lamina – connect the transverse and spinous processes.Pedicles – connect the vertebral body to the transverse processes.Transverse processes – each vertebra has two transverse processes, which extend laterally and posteriorly from the vertebral body.Spinous processes – each vertebra has a single spinous process, centred posteriorly at the point of the arch.The vertebral arches have several bony prominences, which act as attachment sites for muscles and ligaments: In combination with the vertebral body, the vertebral arch forms an enclosed hole – the vertebral foramen. The vertebral arch forms the lateral and posterior aspect of each vertebrae. Fig 2 – The general structure of a vertebrae.

    Spine vertebrae